Sunday, July 12, 2015

The experience of motherhood with #FirstLove

Baby massage is very essential as it serves in several health benefits and advantages for the child be it strengthening of the bones and the muscles, improving the skin tones, absorption of the oils by the skin to prevent it from drying, nourishing the skin in an appropriate manner, for the growth and development of infants and several other such related benefits.
Without a matter of doubt, it is a fact that all babies enjoy massage and it is something they get used to and cherish this one thing of their infancy. The mother's too enjoy this phase as massaging is the time where both the parties, that is the child as well as the mother exchange the laughters and get more closer to each other with all the glances they exchange during this time. This is definitely one of the best time of the day for both, the mother and the child. This is as great as I am writing it down here, having experienced the motherhood lately. This is one of the most beautiful experiences of life and I am loving it all the way. 
What I have opted since day 1 for the massaging is the natural oils. I began initially with the almonds oil, but subsequently and quite quickly I came across this amazing product by Dabur i.e Dabur baby massage oil which contains almond and olive oils making me to give a thought to try it out. I went for the product since it is by one of the most trusted brands and the products are thoroughly checked, tested and verified. Also my mother-in-law who keeps a check and guides me carefully with all the subsequent steps, also agreed to give this product a try as it contained no chemicals, parrafins, artificial colours and odours.
To the best of our experience that we have come to notice is that product is quite amazing and has a lot of positive impact on the child's growth as the skin gets nourished properly and the skin's lustre remains intact throughout the day. The skin does not dry up and stays moisturised for longer durations. Also, there are no side- effects of the oil. The baby enjoys the massage and there is a positive growth and development noticed in the bones and muscles which is a great delight to everyone in the family.
This is a great product and have served me quite appropriately. I would any day recommend this product to all the ladies entering into the phase of motherhood for their new born babies.
“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

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